The Vietnam Securities Depository (VSD) in August issued securities trading codes to 296 foreign investors, the highest recorded within eight months and down 8.6 per cent over the same period last year.
The Ministry of Finance has approved a plan to reduce the fees for some types of securities-related services this week to support market members and investors badly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Key international developments such as the US-China trade war, the geo-political tension in the Middle East and Brexit were attributed for the market’s volatility.
Ban Viet Bank (Viet Capital Bank) has registered with the Vietnam Securities Depository (VSD) to trade more than 317 million shares on the Unlisted Public Company Market (UPCoM).
Many market experts and securities companies agree that the imposition of the new derivative fees help regulate and cash flow in the underlying stock market.
Foreign institutional investors traded nearly 3.9 million shares of tech firm FPT Corporation on Friday, according to the Vietnam Securities Depository (VSD).